First, our sincere apologies for the delay in adding to our blog. (Now the excuse) We have had no internet where we are staying in Dunedin, which means $5/hour internet use in the city! Fortunately, our new friends Kashi and Derek have an office downtown where they have let us "poach" their internet, so we are beginning to catch up! Well, I am catching up for both of us on this end while Z is catching up our bank account at his new job on the other end...
We were scheduled to leave Wellington for Dunedin on Tuesday however that changed when Graeme's airline was canceled due to the now famous volcano. We could not leave Wellington without saying "so long" to him and hearing about his adventures in Cambodia, so we rescheduled our ferry trip for Friday morning (take note this is the third ferry trip and with one more we will be open to any donations as the lovely ferry is not cheap and air travel would be less expensive if we didn't have our vehicle and bicycles). That said, in the bonus days staying in Wellington we got to visit the Welly Zoo, which was awesome.
We also got to make Graeme a welcome home meal consisting of local mussels, which was amazing.
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