I woke up this morning with my internal clock, and maybe my subconscious, telling me over and over... 16 days... 16 days. Yup, 16 days is all we have left before we are on the plane.
Talk about a reality check! Sarah and I have been doing a bit of packing and condensing (and thinning), but we are a little behind where we wanted to be. 16 DAYS... In some ways it's hard to believe that this move is upon us already. We told ourselves we would be packed and ready to go by now, with just the bare essentials at home. Not quite where we are yet.
Mind you, we have done quite a bit. We've packed a few boxes (inventorying the contents of each in detail for customs), sold both of our vehicles, found a tenant to replace us mid month, sold most of our large furniture, and have been selling off unnecessary possessions like mad. We've also been able to keep up our training for the race, maybe not quite to the extent we wanted, but we did get a bit of rain over the past week, at least by California standards, so swimming and riding road have been our main outlets.
Still, all I seem to hear today is that ticking clock....16 days...
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