This weekend was no doubt one of the most relaxing weekends we have had here thus far. It consisted of a weekend getaway to Castlepoint, just a two hour drive northeast of Wellington. We took our new good friend, Dan, and his lovely four legged friend, Juno (black lab), and met our friend/landlords Shaun and Lauraine for a deluxe car camping adventure. Told that Castlepoint is rugged and exposed, we were expecting the worst I suppose, however it ended up being unbelievably calm, warm and wonderful. A couple hours after the 3 (plus Juno) of us arrived and set up camp, Shaun and Lauraine arrived with the crayfish buckets. There was no denying we were there just to camp as we were on a paua (abalone) and crayfish (spiny lobster) hunting spree. While we were daydreaming on the days prior of a seafood only feast for the weekend, we were proven it takes more skill than we had...still fun anyone, and leaves us with an even larger craving! The three of us (plus Juno) running toward the cray pot after leaving it out overnight was a bit reflective of a good Christmas morning!
Monday, November 29, 2010
A weekend getaway to Castlepoint
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12:48 AM
Friday, November 5, 2010
Sally Lives!
0 commentsA while ago, Sarah and I decided to have a weekend out by doing a little car camping. Little did we know what the trip would lead to. We loaded up the car, fueled up, and headed north to the only camping spot I found that would allow campfires, which we have missed during all our camp-outs so far.
Just as we got to the start of the hills, about 45 minutes into our drive, we started up a small rise. Suddenly, Sally (our car) shifted, lost power, and shut off. We coasted to the side of the road to assess the problem. As we stopped, brownish smoke started pouring from under the hood. Sarah and I jumped out and while I dropped to look under the car for flames, Sarah grabbed our jug of water just in case....
With no flames, and the smoke becoming pure white, we opened the hood. Steam was pouring out of the radiator, which had blown the cap off. We let the steam subside a bit and started, slowly, adding water to the radiator to help cool everything back down. Every time we did this, the heat would create another geyser from the radiator. We decided to turn the engine over, very briefly, just to help circulate the water through the system. After about 30 minutes and 3 gallons of water, we got everything cooled down. With the radiator cap reinstalled, we tried starting Sally again.
I say tried, because after a couple attempts, she started, but ran extremely rough. not a good sign, but at least the engine hadn't seized completely. We called a tow truck and had it taken to a diesel shop for a diagnosis. It wasn't good.

Not an option. So I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. After doing some research, I found that I could get the parts I needed for less than 1/3 the price of the quote. I also was lucky enough to have a few tools handy, and was able to borrow some I didn't have. The following are a few pictures of the process.

More good updates coming soon!
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11:56 PM
Monday, October 25, 2010
Playing catch up, Part 1
0 commentsWow! Seems like time has gotten away from us a little. Sarah and I have been cranking along and settling into a stride here in Wellington. Well, maybe more of a duck and weave as we've had a few curve balls thrown our way since our last update.
So here it goes.....
Back in July, Sarah was able to take a trip with the local women's cycling club, Revolve. They left on a Friday and took a little drive up to Rotorua to explore the trails, finding a few good places to stop along the way. Places like the RJ's Licorice factory in Levin and The Wool Company in Taihape. She arrived to Rotorua higher than high from eating all the licorice...4 hours' she claims. Fortunately she was surrounded by 3 other fun girls with the similar problem....if you can call it that! The trip was full of fun, rekindling her memory of knitting with Ashley on the drive up, and mountain biking almost every hour of being awake (only separated by stints in the hot springs). Needless to say she had a lot of fun and had to go on a licorice detox when she returned home.
And one more...needless to say we continue to be taken by how lucky we are to be in our cozy home with a view like this!
Zeph working in his man space...what better place than on the porch (in good weather that is)? He made us a lovely, stout king bed, made out of reclaimed wood from Shaun's (landlord/friend/upstairs neighbor) projects. A good use indeed! And, a wonderful bed with storage underneath!
And the finished product!
That theory goes wayside in the rain...but, here is Zeph proving his Wellingonian-ess to adapt to the weather! Fortunately it was a warm storm and he was pretty happy to be getting his hands dirty (or clean) again!
And a really cool knife block he made out of more reclaimed wood...
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12:49 AM
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A Sweet Home,Sunshine, and the Best Girl Scout Cookies Ever
0 commentsWell, where to start! I guess the thing that has been bringing us most joy this past week (aside from the sun coming out) has been our new home. We moved from a cold, damp, older flat to a new, warm, dry home with amazing views and a huge deck for the BBQ (and Zeph)...The view is quite amazing...on a sunny day it looks unmistakeably like the Mediterranean or French Riviera, except with some beautiful snow-capped mountains in the background!
While the weather has taken some getting used to, it hasn't been all bad. The longest it has rained for (yet) has been 4 days, then the sun comes out and dries everything out. When the sun does come out, it has been the most calm/still days where we just want to go jump in the water and go for a swim. Brrrr! But, still warmer than the water off California, believe it or not! And, pristine, clean water!
Last night we were really fortunate to get invited over to new friends, Tim and Tracy's house for dinner. They are both here from San Francisco and are quite a fun/lovely couple to hang out with. Tim is working at WETA for their current film projects and Tracy is launching her presence into her yoga teachings. Anyhow, they roasted chicken and veggies for dinner and when we thought it couldn't get any better, Tim whipped up some dessert for us. Now, by whipped up, I mean he made some fresh coconut ice cream (dairy-less, made with coconut milk) and some heavenly, heavenly gluten-free, dairy-less Girl Scout Cookies. Unbelievable. Little bits of heaven that took you to your happy place all over again. To top the night off, we watched a great movie called Paper Hearts. A documentary of sorts about Love. Highly recommend it for some light, feel good fun.
Work for both of us has been great. We are so lucky to be working with Peter as he is a great person and a great mentor for both of us. Zeph got his license about a week ago and mine should be here in the next couple of days which will be quite exciting. For the record, he does have an advantage for getting the commission check though! He has been working the industrial side of commercial real estate and I have been working the retail leasing/sales side of commercial real estate. It is fun being at work together, learning together, and commuting together! Quite a treat and we both feel so fortunate to be in such an amazing spot while thoroughly enjoying what we do. We also have been working with a growing number of businesses who are expanding and we are helping them find their new locations, which is quite a lot of fun learning about their business models to better understand what locations work for them.
The last piece of the puzzle has been getting back into a workout routine as this brings us a lot of happiness and balance. We purchased a pair of lights so Sarah was able to go for a night ride with a lovely group of girl mountain bikers a few days ago. She left at 6pm and rode for a couple hours with the girls and the highlight being the clear night and the view from the top (as well as a couple of the girls bringing tasty treats that were passed around). We have also been tossing around the idea of getting a couple wetsuits so we can work on our open water swimming here in the Bay. There is an area set up for swimmers so it seems more appealing, especially when the water is calm! We have been also thinking about getting a pair of rollers (to ride indoors when it is wet/windy/cold/dark) and to possibly work on the (trail) running skills a bit as well. All ideas that we'll probably figure out (hopefully before it turns to summer)!
That is all for now. This week looks to be quite busy with work, which is a good thing! Sarah is fortunate to be going back to Rotorua with the girls on Friday for a girls' weekend getaway on the mountain bikes. If there was a way she could tuck Zeph into her pack, she would! Hope all is well with you and we'll be in touch! Hugs, Sarah & Zeph
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8:26 PM